Tuesday, March 23, 2004

A (very) Little Philosophy

At the top of my BlogRoll is a link to the self-described "Dullest Blog in the World." I keep it there for two reasons:
1 - It's pretty funny. The posts are very creative in humorously describing next to nothing.
2 - It's a reminder to me to try to keep my little blog from degenerating into a bland recitation of zero interest minutiae.
The Dullest Blog in the World is also an illustration of an interesting paradox: the very condition of being the dullest (or least interesting) anything is in itself inherently interesting. Philosopher and author Martin Gardner summed it up as follows:
The question arises: Are there any uninteresting numbers? We can prove that there are none by the following simple steps. If there are dull numbers, then we can divide all numbers into two sets - interesting and dull. In the set of dull numbers there will be only one number that is the smallest. Since it is the smallest uninteresting number it becomes, ipso facto, an interesting number. We must therefore remove it from the dull set and place it in the other. But now there will be another smallest uninteresting number. Repeating this process will make any dull number interesting."
The same argument could be made for people, television shows, and blogs. That said, we all know that there are boring people, television shows, and blogs. None of them, however, could be the most boring.


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