Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Look, Don't Break my Routine, Okay?

And I mean that. I hate to turn this blog into a poor widow's cry-fest, but there are some things that need to be said.

I feel like I have attention deficit disorder. I cannot remember what I was doing before, and I am not sure what I should do next. Routine is the only way I can keep track of everything I need to do. If anything in my routine is broken, I am off on the wrong track.

Example: This morning, as I was preparing for work, the phone rang. Wrong number, but routine broken. I went back to my business and it was off to work. It wasn't until around 10 AM that I noticed that I had forgotten to put on my anti-perspirent. Ended up spending all day with my arms pinned to my sides. I still hope nobody noticed.

Yesterday, I arrived at work on my motorcycle and was busy taking off my helmet and gloves, when somebody walked up to compliment me on some piece of chrome or whatever. Again, routine broken. Left the keys in the motorcycle and it sat out there all day long waiting to be driven away by anyone that stumbled by it.

And don't even talk to me about going to the grocery store without my list, preferably type-written with a check box by each item and a pencil tied to the clipboard.

Six months ago, I could juggle dozens of complex tasks in my head and they all got done. Now, I need a PDA to brush my teeth.


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