Tuesday, November 08, 2005

French Rioting

The riots in France are alleged to have been sparked by the electrocution deaths of two teenagers who were hiding from police. The teenagers, both of whom were born in France to immigrant parents, were Muslims of African descent. Here's how the NY Times describes them:
...where the unrest first flared on Oct. 27 after two youths jumped over the wall of a electrical substation, thinking they were being pursued by the police, and were electrocuted.
The Associated Press describes them this way:
...angry over the accidental deaths of two teenagers, of Mauritanian and Tunisian descent, who were electrocuted while hiding from police in a power substation.
CNS News puts it this way before noting their African heritage:
The clashes, which began Oct. 27 when two teenagers hiding from police were electrocuted in an electrical facility...
But CNN, the ever-politically-correct news outlet, tries to convey the message that these were black teenagers and trips all over itself:
Hard to say because it's been 11 days since two African-American teenagers were killed, electrocuted during a police chase, which prompted all of this.
African American? Born in France to north African parents, and CNN can't figure out they're not Americans?

Hat Tip: Taranto


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