Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Good News from Iraq

The AP has this report detailing a letter sent to terrorist "leader" Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Apparently, things aren't going all that well for our buddy Abu.
The letter advocated a jihad, or holy war, and praised "the sheik" for being "a thorn in the mouth of the Americans," the military said. But it also described low morale, weakening support for the insurgency, and the incompetence of many militant leaders, the statement said. The author also reportedly admonished the "the sheik" for abandoning his followers since Fallujah — an insurgent stronghold that was hit hard by a major U.S.-led assault in November.
Here's a link to the same article on the NY Times website:
And here's ABC's take on the story:
And CBS's:
Washington Post:
I don't expect tonight's broadcast news will be any more forthcoming.

Update: At 3:00 PM, ABC radio news is speculating the letter is a fake. They present no evidence, other than that the letter sounds like propaganda to the field reporter's finely honed ears.


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