Sunday, April 24, 2005

Survivor Fixed

Jeff Harrell, who writes far more entertaining Survivor summaries than I, had this to say about the fix being in on last week's show:
Now let’s be honest here. “Survivor” isn’t really a game. It’s a TV show. It’s not supposed to be perfectly fair. Tonight, the host of the show sat there and, calmly and deliberately, talked a contestant into dropping out of the game so the obvious favorite could stay in. There will be no argument about this. This is how it happened. You want to call it rigged? Go right ahead. Nobody will stop you. But let me just say this about that: If, after all she’d been through, Stephenie had been voted out of the game by a bunch of people who had absolutely nothing against her but the fear that she’d kick their asses, twenty million Americans would have been pissed out of their minds … myself right out there in front.

You want to say the game is rigged? Go right ahead. The way I see it, a grave injustice was averted tonight. And I, for myself, am glad of it.
Jeff's blog, The Shape of Days, is usually a pretty good read as well.


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