Wednesday, October 27, 2004

My wife and I have long subscribed to conventional wisdom and assumed that Kerry supporters acting more out of antipathy for Bush than affinity for Kerry was a political liability for Kerry.

Last night, however, it occurred to us that this is, in fact, a political strength for Kerry. Look what it's given him.

These people are not invested in John Kerry in any way. As a result, he can do absolutely nothing to alienate them. They don't care about him and can't be disappointed in him. There is no lie too bald-faced, no attack too vicious, no position too vague to deter a Kerry supporter. Because to them, none of this campaign really has anything at all to do with Kerry.

No matter how mendacious, wooden, nasty, or contradictory Kerry becomes, his supporters soldier on because they don't really support him Rather they rally around him simply because he is not Bush.

This dynamic has liberated Kerry from the usual constraints of running for national office. He doesn't have to be likable, inspiring, pleasant, truthful, inspiring, competant,consistent,credible,or positive. Heck, he doesn't even need a platform to satisfy his suppoters. He just has to show up.


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