Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Protestors call me "Stupid"

CNS News is reporting that the highly cultured, articulate, well-educated individuals that are protesting in New York think any that watches Fox News is "stupid."
Hundreds of protesters gathered outside Fox News' headquarters Tuesday proclaiming that the millions of viewers who tune in every day to the cable news channel are mostly stupid Republicans from middle America.
So, what are the nuanced, well reasoned arguments these enlightened intellectuals are using to support their evaluation of my relative intelligence? Apparently, I have been "seduced:"
"The Fox culture is very seductive," Oram said. "It's always seductive when you're told to hate a group of people, when you're told to fear, when you're told to rally around the flag. Promoting that fear is not a democratically productive thing to do right now."
Oh, now I get it. I have been brainwashed by fear and hatred. Now that they mention it, it is so obvious. Indeed, my writing virtually drips with fear and hatred in every word. So how do the people calling me stupid, fearful, and hate-filled express themselves?
"Republicans are stupid! They watch Fox News," blared a poster held by Karen Minsberg, 51, of Brooklyn. When asked if it was a bit harsh, she told absolutely not.

"We're not buying your bull**** anymore," she said in reference to the station. "We're insulted. We're angry. If you think this passes for news, go back to f****** kindergarten."
Now there's an intellectual position worth rallying around.


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