Monday, August 30, 2004

Kerry's Plan for Iran

Check out this Reuters report:
If elected U.S. president, Sen. John Kerry would offer Iran a deal allowing it to keep its nuclear power plants if it gave up the right to retain bomb-making nuclear fuel, said Kerry's vice presidential running mate in an interview published on Monday.

Sen. John Edwards told The Washington Post if Iran did not accept this "great bargain," this would confirm the Islamic state was building nuclear weapons under cover of a nuclear power initiative.

If Iran rejected this proposal, Kerry would ensure European allies were prepared to join the United States in imposing strict sanctions against Iran, said Edwards.
So there we have it. Kerry's grand vision for dealing with Iran is to offer the Islamic nut-jobs in charge the same deal Jimmy Carter offered the Communist nut-job in Korea! We all know how well that deal worked out. Not to worry, though, Kerry's deal has teeth:
If Iran rejected this proposal, Kerry would ensure European allies were prepared to join the United States in imposing strict sanctions against Iran, said Edwards.
Strict sanctions! Now that'll put the fear of Allah into the Ayatollahs.


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