Monday, May 24, 2004

Miss Manners

I was in line at Home Depot over the weekend, and the woman in front of me received a call on her cell phone. Fortunately, she had already handed her credit card to the clerk, so the transaction continued. Upon completion of the sale, however, the woman was unable to open her purse to put away her credit card without putting down her phone.

She just stood there at the register talking on her cell phone with one hand and holding her credit card with the other. The clerk and I were looking at each other in disbelief, unable to do anything. I couldn't give her my air conditioner filters to ring up because the other lady refused to even look in our direction. She just talked and talked, staring all the while out the window.

After she completed her call, which I estimate took slightly over a minute, she put her phone down, put away her credit hard, and stepped away from the counter, only to receive another call. I was able to get to the register, and the clerk remarked that it was the rudest thing she had ever seen. I agreed, adding that I like going out without my cell phone, as I am guaranteed a little peace and quiet.

As I left, the woman was standing in the middle of the exit doors talking, forcing everyone to go around her to leave the store.


Blogger Unknown said...

Missy Manners.
This must have been the weekend for cell phones and ac filters.
I too purchased a boatload of filters [bulk pack] and then proceeded out the door where I nearly tripped over a teen sitting against a column - chatting on her cell phone.
Hey, people can do what they want to... it's their America too.. but there MUST be a better place to sit and chit-chat!

4:26 PM  

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