Thursday, May 20, 2004

Advocates Fear Obesity Strategy Blockage

From the Associated Press comes a report in sore need of a solid fisking:
Anti-obesity advocates said Tuesday that they fear a bloc of poor nations, led by sugar producers, could derail a global plan for fighting the world's weight problem
Whoa! Lord forbid that the poor people try to feed their hungry selling sugar when the liberals have rich fat people they need to help!
With one out of every four people in the world now overweight and outnumbering those who are hungry, diseases ... are on the rise almost everywhere.
Ah, there's the root of the cause; you can control more people's lives attacking obesity than you can fighting hunger.
But some countries are upset with the plan's recommended limits on how much sugar people should eat and the possible use of taxes ... to encourage healthier eating habits
WTF?? Global limits on sugar consumption, supported by taxation? Is there any aspect of our lives these people are prepared to leave alone, or even untaxed? Just one: people catch diseases having sex, but I haven't heard any call from the liberal intelligentsia for limits on intercourse or "bareback" taxes to encourage safe sex. The developing countries, which actually aspire to the alleged obesity problems the liberals hope to abolish (in lieu of the alternative starvation crisis) get it, though:
Many of the developing country ministers believe that the problem of diabetes and heart disease ... is not really an issue for them compared to the agonies of malnutrition and HIV.
It wasn't more than a few decades ago that we were treated to grave warnings of overpopulation, coupled with mass food shortages and starvation. In short, a global calorie shortage. That failed to materialize, and in fact the opposite happened, so the neo-totalitarians have turned on a dime to attack that. These people have no principles beyond attacking the status quo in an attempt to gain control of the lives and behaviors of as many people as they can.


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