Friday, February 27, 2004

John Kerry - Man of Vision

Saying George Bush has "no comprehensive strategy for victory in the war on terror," John Kerry laid out his vision today.
Kerry said he would protect chemical and nuclear facilities, increase security at ports and airports, restore federal funding for 100,000 police officers and add 100,000 firefighters across the country.
In other words, hunker down and pray. Setting aside for a moment how it would be possible to increase security at airports without strip-searching every passenger, Kerry's entire strategy for stopping terrorism revolves around homeland vigilence and surveillance. No mention is made of what 100,000 firefighters or police would do, other than clean up remains after an attack.

I think it is important to increase security in all these areas, and I love police and firemen, but terrorism needs to be fought where it originates, not in the cities and streets of America. And that is one concept the Democratic frontrunners refuse to acknowledge.

Further in the same article, opining on the death penalty for a child killer, Kerry said his instinct "is to want to strangle that person with my own hands." Ooh - tough guy. But once again demanding to occupy both sides of the issue, Kerry is against the death penalty (at least if he can't do it with his bare hands) only advocating it for terrorism cases. Yeah, the death penalty will put fear in the heart of a suicide bomber.


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