Thursday, February 19, 2004

Gay Marriage

What to make of this gay marriage issue? (I would say "debate," but no one is talking. Proponents are simply demanding it, and opponents are actually talking about amending the Constitution to stop it.)

What is the point of all this? Nobody is telling gays they can't live together in a committed relationship and call themselves married. In fact, everyone I know would appreciate it if they would do so, rather than hanging around bathouses and marching in parades with condoms on their heads. Are we really going through all this for the sake of inheritances and health insurance? And have the gays considered that legal marriage will also burden them with things like prenuptial agreements and bitter divorces?

I think part of the stridency from the activist gay community comes from frustration. People had stopped paying any attention to them, and they crave attention. Liberal activists garner attention by getting naked, or throwing blood on people, or torching car dealerships. Liberal gay activists do it by attacking societal norms.

Not content to love each other in private and live peaceful, productive lives, they "came out of the closet." When being "out" became no longer remarkable, they started shouting, "We're here!! We're queer!! Get used to it!!" So we dutifully got used to it. They then demanded that they be studied. So "Queer Theory" became an actual course of academic study, and they complained that they weren't properly represented on TV. So we got Ellen DeGeneras, Will and Grace, Queer as Folk, and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Marriage is simply the latest vehicle to be used by a group of angry activists to flaunt convention and get themselves noticed. And once this one is behind us, there will be another one. And another one.


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