Monday, January 13, 2014

Via Front Page Magazine comes this set of links.

David Greenfield: The only good Republican is a dead Republican:

Dead Republicans are held up as examples of moderation who wouldn't fit in today's extremist party. Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan, once damned as deranged extremists lusting to blow up the planet, are temporarily rehabilitated and compared unfavorably to today's Republicans and favorably to today's Democrats.

Humberto Fontova: Castro appears and the media swoons:

To read the media you'd think some effete and benevolent European monarch (from, say, Monaco or Liechtenstein) had made a brief cameo. Across the board the media refers to Fidel Castro as the "President" who "led" Cuba for almost fifty years. No hint of anything else happening in Cuba during that period.

You'd never guess Castro killed more Cubans in the process of "liberating" them than the Nazis killed French civilians in the process of conquering and enslaving them, that he brought the world closest to Nuclear war of any "leader" on earth and that he sunk a nation with a standard of living higher than half of Europe's and swamped with immigrants into a pesthole that repels Haitians.

Matthew Vadum: The War on Poverty has destroyed black communities.

"The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, what Jim Crow couldn't do, what the harshest racism couldn't do, and that is to destroy the black family," says economics professor Walter E. Williams of George Mason University, a black man who rose from poverty.


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