Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Enough of This Nonsense

Can we please stop calling this "settled science" now? Item #1, in which global warming increases hurricanes:
(A) new study in the journal Nature found that hurricanes and typhoons have become stronger and longer-lasting over the past 30 years. These upswings correlate with a rise in sea surface temperatures.
Item #2, in which global warming decreases hurricanes:
Global warming could increase a climate phenomenon known as wind shear that inhibits Atlantic hurricanes, a potentially positive result of climate change, according to new research released on Tuesday.
In my day, science was a process in which hypotheses were tested by observing facts and comparing them against predictions. Today, global warming seems to be the accepted fact, and observations are used to create a hypotheses in explanation. How about we do science the old fashioned way and resolve this dilemma before we dismantle modern civiization?


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