Tuesday, April 10, 2007

America's Future

So, I am on an airplane last night, flying home after a long weekend trip. Next to me is a couple in their mid to late twenties, and it is apparent that:

A) They work together
2) They are romantically involved

"A" was apparent due to the nature of their conversation, "2" was apparent due to the nature of their behavior. I sat stone faced for the entire flight, overhearing too much talk and observing too much public affection.

The young woman spoke of her formerly disabled sister, her voice inflection rising at the end of every sentence in that peculiar way young bleeding hearts make every sentence sound like a question:
So, like, she was really having trouble, and everyone was like, she is in trouble? Then she, like, got help, and suddenly she was, like, articulate? And she was making these observations, and saying these things like, even I couldn't think of? Like, even I wasn't as smart as her when I was in college?"
Oy, what inanity. That was outdone, though, during our approach glide.
He: "So, how many messages do you predict you got in the last two hours?"
She: "I dunno. Like 25? You?"
He: "I guess 35. Wouldn't it be funny if we landed and, like, you had more than me?"
She: "Yah."
Upon landing, the pilot had not even switched off the reverse thrusters, and out came the Blackberries. She had 19 new messages, he 23. All were answered by the time we rolled up to the gate. This is the kind of deep thinking that apparently passes for business in some circles.


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