Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Man, It's Cold

Record cold is sweeping across the country:
Bitterly cold air poured southward across the nation's midsection Wednesday, dropping temperatures to record lows from Montana to Illinois. The mercury dived to a record 45 below at West Yellowstone, Mont., the frequently cold spot at the west entrance to Yellowstone National Park, the National Weather Service said. The old record for Dec. 7 was 39 below, set in 1927.
Even the desert paradise of Las Vegas is freezing:
Temperatures read like baseball scores in northeastern New Mexico - zero at Las Vegas and 1 at Raton. "I'm sitting here in my office and it's freezing and we've got the heat on full blast," said Bill Cox, owner of the Hillcrest Restaurant in Las Vegas.
Question: How long before some twenty-something college kid in dreadlocks and a Che! t-shirt gravely warns the rest of us that this cold wave is a sure sign that global warming, and unless we dismantle modernity per his direction, we are all doomed?


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