Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Cindy Redux

Some time ago, early in the Cindy Sheehan saga, Cousin Don opined thusly
Although I think my cousin is technically accurate in describing Cindy Sheehan as a "nutjob," I think she has good reason to be that way. This woman's life is a mess. And I feel a lot of heartfelt compassion for her . . .

This woman thrust herself into the national spotlight, but I honestly believe it was because of the mess her life has become not some calculated intent for this to become the three ring circus the cable networks have turned it into.
Since then, the media have largely moved on. But Cindy continues to mouth off. And she thinks Hillary Clinton is insufficiently left wing!
Cindy Sheehan, the so-called "peace mom" on a crusade to end U.S. involvement in the Iraq war, is publicly blasting Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., for her continued support of the ongoing conflict.

"I think she is a political animal who believes she has to be a war hawk to keep up with the big boys," Sheehan writes.
Hillary Clinton is a political animal? Gee, Cindy, do ya think? Hillary responds:
She was granted a meeting with Sen. Clinton to discuss the war effort, but says the Democrat "apparently" didn't listen, as the senator told a reporter for the Village Voice, "My bottom line is that I don't want their sons to die in vain. ... I don't believe it's smart to set a date for withdrawal. ... I don't think it's the right time to withdraw."

"That sounds like Rush Limbaugh to me," Sheehan said.
Wow. Cindy Sheehan gives Hillary a piece of her mind, Hillary responds with (and I can't believe I'm typing this) a sensible rationale for her position, and Sheehan accuses her of not listening. In Cindy's world, anyone who doesn't see Iraq through her vision is a not-listening ditto-head: if you don't "ditto Cindy" it's because you aren't listening. The irony is too delicious to ignore.

Well so much for "tolerance" and "diversity" of opinion. This woman is not only irrational, she has delusions of grandeur (although having personally met Bush, McCain, Dole, Clinton, and Jesse Jackson, and having been arrested on national TV, one could argue that Cindy has managed to convert her delusions of grandeur into a sort of reality).


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