Friday, September 09, 2005

With the endless carping from the Democrats ringing in our ears, this article offers a sobering perspective from a former leftist.
However, there was one troubling, recurring weakness about the Left that kept reappearing like termites, eating away at my wooden edifice of arguments and premises: The Left offered no solutions. The Leftist critics of America and the West sit in the most comfortable seat known to all – the seat of the critical critic, the cynic who destroys all but from the rubble offers no constructive alternatives. The Left tears but never builds.
Update: This from Cam Edwards:
The Left have become the backseat drivers of American politics. No longer in charge, they're left to complain about everything the Right does. But what do you do with a backseat driver (assuming you can't kick them out of the car)? You might try and engage them, but eventually you ignore them. You turn up the radio louder and keep driving. Meanwhile, the other people in the car start to ignore them as well. [...]

The meme of "blame Bush" has failed. From Oliver Willis to Daily Kos, to the rantings of the Democratic Underground, the shrieking moonbats have been brushed aside, at least for now.


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