Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Katrina Works Project Administration

The United States finally has an opportunity to turn its back on the welfare state and return to the true ideals of the "New Deal," and away from the corruption and general malaise that the majority of "The Great Society Programs" brought upon this country.

Hurricane Katrina has laid bare the fact that so many are living on the government dole and expect the government to bail them out of every crisis.

Well, I suggest that a program like FDR's WPA start immediately to repair New Orleans and the surrounding Katrina destroyed areas.

You might ask, "How do we pay for it?" Simply, halve all the welfare benefits. If you want to earn a true living- guess what - mother nature just gave a ton of people a big clean-up job, so let's take the people who claim that can't find work and get them to work by helping rebuild. Now that's the American way of FDR, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington.


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