Thursday, September 01, 2005

A little less perspective

With an entire city struggling to survive, what's the biggest problem on the plate of NYU graduate students? The University has stopped recognizing their union. And like good little leftists, they are protesting.
The protesters linked arms and sat down in front of the university's Bobst Library, despite warnings from the police that they would be charged with disorderly conduct.
These are freaking college students shaking down their school with collective bargaining.
"We are here today to express our anger and our disgust. Union busting is for corporate criminals who have no values, not for an educational institution."
Well, unions are for oppressed unskilled workers, not pampered Ph.D. candidates. And the reason NYU has stopped recognizing this "union?" Because the inmates tried to take control of the asylum.
(T)he university had decided not to continue to recognize the union because it had not abided by an agreement not to interfere with academic decision-making.
Yup, there you have it. It's not about money, or "rights" or even really collective bargaining. The graduate students were using their union as a power grab over academics. A little retrospection is in order. These are the students for pete's sake. For what it's worth they've got their organized-labor-speak down pat, though.
"A lot of graduate unions are rallying around our N.Y.U. brothers and sisters because of concerns about what the university's decision may portend," said Jeremy Wolf, a Ph.D. student in political science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, who was among the protesters.
To which my response is: "Oh, grow up, Jeremy."


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