Friday, August 05, 2005

The Latest "Human Right"

So new research supports circumcision:
An international AIDS conference in Brazil last week was told that researchers tracking 3,000 young African men in a randomized controlled trial found the number of HIV infections among those who had been circumcised to be three times lower than among those who had not.
Now I have no opinion on this matter. For all I know the circumcised men in this study were all very religious, and hence less likely to be promiscuous as a matter of faith. But proving that there isn't any aspect of peoples lives they don't want to leave unlegislated, the moonbats see a grave unjustice in the making.
"Circumcision of children is genital mutilation ... and the U.N. needs to take action now to ensure that male circumcision is performed only on fully informed consenting adults," he said.

... [snip] ...

The group is currently looking for a legislative sponsor in Congress for the Male Genital Mutilation Bill, which seeks to make it an offense to circumcise, or help or facilitate circumcision, of a child or a "nonconsenting" adult, punishable by a maximum 14-year prison term. It would also prohibit Americans from arranging circumcisions abroad.
A 14-year prison term. For practicing Judaism, or Islam for that matter. The incredible hubris of these "human rights" advocates boggles the mind.


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