Saturday, August 13, 2005

Intelligent Design Debate

From the I couldn't agree more and definitely couldn't have said it better myself category, comes this eloquent and well-thought out statement on Evolution vs. Intelligent Design from Francis Collins, director of the human genome project:

"I see no conflict in what the Bible tells me about God and what science tells me about nature. Like St. Augustine in A.D. 400, I do not find the wording of Genesis 1 and 2 to suggest a scientific textbook but a powerful and poetic description of God's intentions in creating the universe. The mechanism of creation is left unspecified. If God, who is all powerful and who is not limited by space and time, chose to use the mechanism of evolution to create you and me, who are we to say that wasn't an absolutely elegant plan? And if God has now given us the intelligence and the opportunity to discover his methods, that is something to celebrate."

Read the whole statement along with four other folk's opinions at Time magazine's website.


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