Monday, May 23, 2005

Howard Dean and Meet the Press

Lots of folks beside myself were obviously picking their jaw up off the floor in disbelief over Howard Dean's statements on "NBC NEWS' MEET THE PRESS." I have watched Fox & Friends this morning they were tearing apart his answers and also heard several clips throughout the day on talk radio. Basically Howard Dean gave Rush Limbaugh and his ilk months worth of material.

I was not a Deaniac, but I did think his infamous scream speech, was spun by the powers that be to elevate John Kerry to be the "oh so boring blow-hard and blow-dried reporting for duty" Democratic Presidential Candidate. I enjoyed hearing an alternative voice and hearing from a politician who had the gonads to stand-up against the Iraq War. But now I wonder if those gonads weren't really just rocks in his head.

Howard Dean is no longer a maverick Vermont Governor running for the highest office in the land, he is his party's chosen leader. Therefore he is supposed to represent the best interests of the party.

In his answers, he refused to back down on his comments suggesting Tom Delay should be thrown in jail without any nod to due process. And Tim Russert nailed him with the fact he had previously called for due process for Osama Bin Laden (following quote from NBC NEWS' MEET THE PRESS):

(Videotape, May 14):
DR. DEAN: I think Tom DeLay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there courtesy of the Texas taxpayers.
(End videotape)
MR. RUSSERT: "Serve his jail sentence"? He--what's he been convicted of?
DR. DEAN: He hasn't been convicted yet, but he is also, in addition to the things that I just mentioned, under investigation in Texas by a district attorney down there for violating the campaign finance laws of Texas by funneling corporate donations, which is illegal, into certain campaign activities. This gentleman is not an ethical person, and he ought not to be leading Congress, period. And it is endemic of what happens in Congress when one party controls everything.
MR. RUSSERT: You said in December of 2003 that we shouldn't prejudge Osama bin Laden. How can you sit here and have a different standard for Tom DeLay and prejudge him?

And Howard Dean also walked flat into an equivocation of being a liberal democrat and a socialist(following quote from NBC NEWS' MEET THE PRESS):

MR. RUSSERT: In your home state of Vermont, there's a vacancy for the United States Senate about to occur. Bernie Sanders, the congressman from Vermont, wants to run for that seat. He is a self- described avowed socialist.
DR. DEAN: Well, that's what he says. He's really a populist.
MR. RUSSERT: But is there room in the Democratic Party for a socialist?
DR. DEAN: Well, first of all, he's not a socialist, really.
DR. DEAN: He hasn't said that for a while.
MR. RUSSERT: Oh, he has a--he wrote in his book: "Outside or in the House, I am a Democratic socialist."
DR. DEAN: Well, a Democratic socialist--all right, we're talking about words here. And Bernie can call himself anything he wants. He is basically a liberal Democrat, and he is a Democrat that--he runs as an Independent because he doesn't like the structure and the money that gets involved. And he actually has, I think, some good points about campaign finance reform. The bottom line is that Bernie Sanders votes with the Democrats 98 percent of the time. And that is a candidate that we think...

The scary thing is the Chair of the Democratic Party basically just admitted what Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and every other conservative talk show host has been saying for years-- that liberal democrats are basically socialists. No, wait I'm sorry Dean said a self-admitted Socialist is basically a liberal Democrat. Oh, that is so much better.

What is even more amusing is the comments on, the majority of the posters don't even realize how much damage Howard Dean has caused.

It is scary when Barney Frank, a homosexual liberal Democrat Congressman from Massachusetts, is your voice of reason and tolerance about the Tom Delay issue.

Go Dems! Keep this up and not even Hillary will be able to save the Donkeys.


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