Saturday, February 05, 2005

Bush: A Man of Deeds

In this post Cousin Don confessed to a certain level of political bigotry:
I would be amiss [sic] no to[sic] state that I am a bigot about my politicians-- I like them to be able to speak in public.
Joe Katzman over at Winds of Change has this to say about that:
W. isn't a speaker. Tony Blair is a speaker, often more lethal on his feet than with a prepared text. W. needs to craft and practice, or he's in trouble. But then, that ain't his archetype. The cowboy lives by deeds, standing tall and then giving his gun a little twirl at the end. Now think of the megaphone at Ground Zero. The aircraft carrier landing. Dropping in on a warring and dangerous Baghdad to serve turkey to the troops. Ms. al-Suhail and the Norwoods. Bush communicates best in deeds, in tableaux that speak incredibly loudly. I'm trying to recall another politician who could match that particular style and gift. I can't. It's W's saving political grace and potential disaster point, all in one.


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