Monday, January 31, 2005

Kerry on "Meet the Press."

Yesterday morning, my wife and I watched "Meet the Press" through tears of laughter. Kerry was so predictable, ponderous and pompous, we couldn't believe that he seems to have learned absolutely nothing from his defeat. After it was over, my wife asked if I would write a blog post, and I said assuredly that someone out there would have a better take on it than I. It seems that someone is Ann Althouse:
Remember when we had to listen to Kerry's tiresome explanations every day? What's the point of listening to him now? It's oh so dreary, and on a day when we should be feeling very happy about the Iraqi elections. I guess "Meet the Press" is a nice haven for anyone who doesn't want to have to see positive Bush-related news. Come on over here and wallow in despair. Gaze upon the haggard, hang-dog face that represents your dashed hopes!

But the great Tim Russert is making things hard to enjoy. Getting all Russert-y now, Russert shows Kerry the clip of Swift Boat Vet Steve Gardner in the Christmas in Cambodia -- "categorically a lie" -- commercial and then reads quotes from a lot of newspaper pieces. I lose count of the number of times Russert says the word "seared." The big question: "Were you in Cambodia, Christmas eve, 1968?" Kerry: "We were right on the border, Tim." And he's explained this already, "any number of times." Haven't you learned yet that if you think there's some question that Kerry hasn't already answered, it's always your problem -- you just haven't been listening properly?
My wife and I got a big kick out of that "right on the border" line, trying to imagine a big sign by a river in the middle of the jungle reading "Welcome To Cambodia. Happy Boating!" And there, RIGHT THERE, is John Kerry in his lucky hat, bobbing up and down in his Swift Boat with his band of brothers, memory searing away.

Read it all.

Meanwhile over at Ace of Spades HQ, John from WuzzaDem speculates on the chatter during commercial breaks:
So, do you really think there could be some doubt about the legitimacy of the election in Iraq?
Kerry: Absolutely not, Tim.
Russert: But you just said there was right before the break.
Kerry: I did? Wow, I must have been on autopilot.

So...nice tie.
Kerry: Oh, thanks. Picked it up at Barney's
Russert: what's a tie like that run you?
Kerry: I don't know; buck and a quarter. Maybe buck and a half.

Ten seconds!
Russert: Thank God.
Kerry: What?
Russert: Nothing.


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