Saturday, January 29, 2005

Queer Eyes for Bill Cosby

Now I was channel flipping last night as my wife was dozing off and I caught some of the new show on Bravo "Queer Eye for the Straight Girl." This show is a spin-off of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," but instead of remaking a straight slobbish guy this crew of several homosexual guys and one homosexual gal remake a straight slobbish woman.

Both shows are out to change how we think about the old saying, "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck than it must be a duck," into "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck in very expensive clothing bought in the Village or on Rodeo Drive."

But at one point in the show, the homosexual woman is helping the slobbish lady apply facial products. This is taking a long time, and one homosexual man playfully falls in mock exahustion onto another homosexual man screaming something like, "What is that Lesbo doing in there? Discussing vaginas? Is it the Vagina Monologues?"

Now this prompted me to wonder this morning why terms that are derogatory for a minority group are only derogatory when said by somebody not a part of that minority group. It seems that there's some kind of pass given to people picking on their own kind.

This may explain my fondness for Polish jokes since my grandmother's maiden name was Wisniewski.

But, seriously, now when Bill Cosby recently criticized some black people for not putting enough emphasis on education, there was a tremendous backlash. Why doesn't Bill get a free pass to criticize his own kind?

Now Bill is in trouble with the NAACP and the Chris Carter X-files fan in me wants to believe there's a conspiracy afoot here. Because suddenly Bill starts pissing off some very connected people and all of the sudden an allegation comes out against him. It seems all very, very Paula Jones-ish?


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