Monday, January 03, 2005

Compassionate Liberals Ignore Suffering

I've been reluctant to post anything on the tsunami catastrophe in southeast Asia. How does one get his arms around a tragedy of this scale? The human loss is beyond comprehension. Now, having finally made as large a contribution as I can for now, I would like to call out a few people.

Where is multi-billionaire George Soros, who famously dedicated his fortune to defeating George Bush? While Bush sends carrier battle groups and $350 million in aid, Soros is AWOL.

Where are Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp, and Barbra Streisand? These people were all over the media during "the most important election of out lifetime." Why do they have nothing to contribute during the most devastating natural tragedy in human freaking history??

Will Democrats like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry vote for a supplemental spending measure to send the Marines to Thailand and Sri Lanka, while they voted against funding the Marines in Iraq? If so, do they consider the military to be a fighting force or some sort of armed social service organization?

Update: Apparently, this tragedy, while horrific, is not the worst history. Not even close. From this site comes a list of natural disasters surpassing the tsunami, including a typhoon in Calcutta that killed 300,000, and an earthquake in China that some say killed 830,000.


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