Heather MacDonald points out how ridiculous it is to expect the CDC to be effective at fighting real disease, when it is instead steeped in social justice concerns.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Healthy Communities Program, for example, focuses on "unfair health differences closely linked with social, economic or environmental disadvantages that adversely affect groups of people." CDC's Healthy People 2020 project recognizes that "health inequities are tied to economics, exclusion, and discrimination that prevent groups from accessing resources to live healthy lives," according to Harvard public-health professor Nancy Krieger. Krieger is herself a magnet for federal funding, which she uses to spread the message about America's unjust treatment of women, minorities, and the poor. To study the genetic components of health is tantamount to "scientific racism," in Krieger's view, since doing so overlooks the "impact of discrimination" on health. And of course the idea of any genetic racial differences is anathema to Krieger and her left-wing colleagues.
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