Economist Thomas Sowell has a way of distilling complex ideas down to the core, underlying roots. Here's his take on Obamacare and those with the hubris to dictate such a monstrosity:
Obamacare is perhaps the ultimate in busybody politics. People who have never even run a drugstore, much less a hospital, blithely prescribe what must be done by the entire medical system, from doctors to hospitals to producers of pharmaceutical drugs to health-insurance companies.
This includes federal laws requiring the turning over of patients' confidential medical records to the federal government, where these records can be looked at by politicians, bureaucrats, and whoever can hack into the government's computers. Neither you nor your doctor has a right to keep this information confidential.
What could lead anyone to believe that he has either the right or the omniscience to dictate to hundreds of millions of other people? Our educational system may have something to do with that, with its constant promotion of "self-esteem" and its emphasis on developing "leaders."
Our schools and colleges are turning out people who cannot feel fulfilled unless they are telling other people what to do. The price of their self-indulgence is the sacrifice of our freedom. If we don't defend ourselves against them, who will?
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