Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Dems Hold Breath

So the Democrats want to pull an all-nighter and debate surrender in Iraq.
... the Democratic-led U.S. Senate began a rare around-the-clock session on Tuesday to push President George W. Bush and fellow Republicans to end the Iraq war. [...]

"The Senate spending a sleepless night is no great sacrifice," Assistant Senate Democratic Leader Dick Durbin of Illinois said in opening the debate. "Soldiers and families who pray for them spend many sleepless nights."
How childish. What's next holding their breath until they turn blue? But it also turns out Senator Durbin is spot on when he proclaims "(S)pending a sleepless night is no great sacrifice." It turns out that, in the Senate, going sleepless simply means having a big slumber party:
In preparation for the all-night session, the portable beds were ordered set up in a room near the Senate, an aide said. Pillows, snacks and toothbrushes were also brought in.
Gee, maybe they can have a pillow fight and get Domino's to deliver while they are at it. Some "sacrifice" that. Have a good sleepover, children.


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