Thursday, July 08, 2004

Forbidden Love

Kerry and Edwards certainly have developed a strange affinity for each other. Do you suppose all this touchy-feely stuff supposed to appeal to women or gays? Here's Wesley Pruden's take on it:
The two Democratic candidates can't wait to get on stage for sessions of arm-gripping, face-fondling, knee-rubbing, neck-nuzzling, thigh-slapping and bear-hugging. This is not the political love that dare not speak its name from a closet, but the contrived warmth, born of the focus group, that shouts from the rooftop. [...]

The carefully calculated "candidate handling" is merely a pose to reassure voters that Monsieur Kerry does, too, have a pulse. All that's expected of John Edwards is that he learn to hug (but not kiss) in French. The rest of us will just have to grin and bear it, but from a distance. November is only five months away.
Photo Credit: Wonkette


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