Friday, April 09, 2004

Daylight Savings Time

Wednesday night I finally completed re-setting all our clocks to daylight savings time. It took several days because we have so many digital clocks attached to appliances, and I usually can't figure out what I am doing without digging out the owner's manuals. With a sigh of relief, after re-setting four bedroom clocks, the telephone answering machine, the microwave, stove, about six wristwatches, two auto clocks, and the VCR, I declared "mission accomplished."

Last night, we dragged into the house at about 7:30 only to discover - the power had been out for about two hours and all our clocks needed to be re-re-set! Well, at least I know where all the manuals are and I don't have to mess with the wristwatches or cars.


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